"Lord, how often do I have to forgive a believer who wrongs me? Seven times?

Jesus answered him, "I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven"
-Matthew 18:21-22
While on my way to church on Sunday this was the sermon being given on the radio. How ironic because there are people in my life that I am having a hard time forgiving.
Although I WILL do it because my heart will feel better
aside from the fact that HE told me to
but sometimes.....
ya know
it's always hard
to do the right thing like spike lee.
Although it will be hard for me to find unity with he,
it's okay because
within me I find my place of peace.
I release that which I no longer can keep
I go to sleep
and in my bed
dive deep
what you sow
you will reap
but because I believe HIM
I aim to please.
On my knees I shed tears
although HE already knows that I'm hurt.
He said if I let go of my concerns
then I will know what HE is worth.
The sun kisses me on the forehead
because emotionally the universe cares.
Taking off my clothes
and letting down my hair.
"A person may plan his own journey
but the Lord directs his steps"
(Proverbs 16: 9)
"Love isn't rude.
It isn't arrogant.
It doesn't think about itself"
(1 Corinthians 13: 4 and 5).
This I say unto you:
thank you
for testing me.
thank you
for showing me love.
thank you
for your honesty.
thank you
for your courtesy.
thank you
for opening my eyes.
thank you
for teaching me.
thank you.
"When I was a child,
I spoke like a child,
thought like a child,
and reasoned like a child.
When I became an adult,
I no longer used childish ways"
(1 Corinthians 13: 11).
No need to be hateful like children.
No need to hold grudges like children.
I say
I forgive you with all my heart
HIS blood flows through my veins.
thank you
for this journey....
-As we work on the durability of tolerance

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