before I go to sleep...

don't have much to say....
I'm mad sleepy.
Glad this is the last week of school.
Can't wait until spring break even though I'm not going anywhere. haha!
I have so much to do this week but it would be too much like right if I didn't. (considering it's the last week)
I saw my mommy today and that made me happy.
She has to undergo another surgery on her lungs, something I don't like to talk/think about, so I've been trying to wrap my mind around that and pray hard.
My heart goes out to those who have lots a loved one this year because I have lots many since January and I know of many others going through. May God bless you and just call on HIM! (I do)
I'm a little home sick for my grandparents... I miss them.

You ever just felt like felt like the world around you was just falling down but yet and still you were overjoyed?
Ever prayed so much and felt the ease of God's spirit that optimism was always the better answer?
Ever wanted to cry because you don't remember the last time you were as happy as you are now?
Ever just want to testify about the blessings of HIM regardless if anyone was paying attention? :)
I have...

take care of yourselves!
God bless you much.
Until next time.
peace and blessings.
~Justitia Omnibus

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