"I don't remember feeling like this"-Ashanti

It's been a while....
I know.
School has been out for awhile (praise him!)
That means I am officially a senior, 6 more classes to go and an internship, and it's adios UA! *whew*
So now I'm back at home working at UAB with their child development center.
I am with my same children from last summer and Christmas, 3 year olds, and they definitely keep me on my toes. :)
Being at home has been okay thus far.
I haven't been home one weekend so I am enjoying my summer.

Fell in love with hip-hop.
Hip-hop rocks my world.
With it.... I am having the time of my life.
I don't know when I last felt this happy, free, at peace, understood etc...
But we are in different places right now.... so I officially miss your tight beats and dope rhymes.
Your charm, your humor, your sincerity, your lines....
You are the bass in my clef and because of that, without you, songs don't sound the same. :)

I have some things that have been rocking my life so far so here they are:

I found a new love for:
constantly giving God thanks/praise for today, yesterday, tomorrow, you, him, life, health, love, saving me, being able to listen to him instead of just hearing,
blowing bubbles,
playing tag with butterflies,
painting pictures that don't make sense,
writing poems that are never complete,
reading/finishing Memoirs of a Geisha and wanting to learn more about the Japanese culture,
reading (currently) the DaVinci Code and wanting to go to Paris to the art museums,
learning new vocabulary words, as I study for the GRE (not a new love), but learning new words excites me,
my hair cut... *it's just hair* :( *sigh*
not puking in anymore Waffle Kings, lol,
not having shots of tequila after two years,
overall just never drinking again, too much rock star partying can leave you being best friends with the floor/toilet (not a good look),
working on not getting "strap" throat while in the ATL, lmao,
painting my toes bright colors because it makes me feel good,
perfecting arching my own eyebrows,
analyzing commercials and how they depict women/black people (i.e. the burger king commercial),
experiencing life through the eyes of a child,
forgiving my dad for never being there whenever i need him,
and not crying over him ever time he lets me down (even though I want to really bad haha),
waking up randomly on the weekends at 8 am to read,
clipping words out of magazines to create poems/stories/expression of how I feel,
surprising people I love with cards in the mail just because,
letting my best friend know she is the greatest friend a girl could have and life wouldn't be the same without her,
standing on my hands in the pool,
dancing like no one is watching while driving in my car,
eating fruit randomly at night,
break dancing on cardboard boxes (in my mind) haha,
opening up to what I am afraid of (loving someone),
not pushing people out of my life (although it's hard),
trying to express my deep feelings verbally,
living in this moment,
loving me for me.....
Until next time...
Peace and blessings!
4 my "all 4 seasons"
P.S. What do you have a new love for? Think about it!

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