Love and Marriage Mini Series- The Lewis'

Meet Eddie and Leah Lewis: 

Tell us your love story! (Include a picture of you two THEN and NOW)
October 2003 (left)

Eddie and I met outside of our management class on the campus of The University of Alabama. It was test day and the lobby was crowded. He offered me his seat after I found a decent spot on the floor to study my flash cards at the last minute. The next class day he decided to sit next to me (he would probably begin a completely different story at this point but here's the short truth). He was asleep in class, so not to bring attention to my area of the auditorium style class, I slid him a note that said "wake up!" He decided he would write me back and would not stop the remainder of the class. For the next six months or so I'd say he slightly stalked me. :) We dated for 6 years and were married in 2009. Our "dating" life was filled with ups and downs, but we always knew we were the ones for each other.

For many couples Valentines Day is the only time they feel loved by their significant other and/or spouse. How do you show your love to each other throughout the year?

We don't make a big deal out of Valentines Day. I think we both put in effort to communicate our love to one another on a daily basis, whether random text messages or by doing something special for each other like cooking dinner. However, ever since we've dated every time one of us went out of town or away for a day we've left notes for the other. Also, it’s common to arrive at our destination and find a note in our luggage from the other. It’s always refreshing and makes me blush. I'm sure he blushes too. :)

We all enter marriage with our own quirks. What’s one thing your spouse does that drives you crazy but you couldn’t imagine life without him doing it?

Eddie gets in his moods and likes to clean. And by clean I mean throw things away. It drives me crazy because I "Need" all of that stuff. But it’s good to have someone help around the house and help me understand my madness.

Being a wife is more than just a title but it’s a ministry. When the enemy tries to attack your marriage what is your go to scripture?

James 4:7: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you...... wooossaaahhh LOL

Years pass, people grow older, bodies change, babies come but what is one thing about your spouse that still takes your breath away?

When he sings to me...

Many couples have marriage as their ultimate goal. What’s one piece of advice you’d give engaged couples?

Understand that no one is perfect, including you.

When we were dating we thought we knew it all! Probably believing that marriage was easy but what has marriage taught you about the difference between “regular love” and agape love?

Regular love can leave (and is easy to leave), but agape love is everlasting; through the good times and bad times. Bad times are so much easier when you have someone that you love and who loves you unconditionally.

BONUS: Let’s bring some awareness to the discussion. On Valentines Day many women who are abused find themselves back with their abuser because the cycle of abuse is real and this holiday makes it easy for abusers to woo their victims.
What would tell those wives who are walking through tough times in their marriages?

Love yourself first. You must love you in order to give love to someone else as well as receive love. And you can do ALL things through Christ.

*Leah blogs at 3 Girls with Curls and she is the editor behind On The Heels of My Father Devotional.
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