Pressing On: Overcoming Divorce


Share a time when you felt spiritually abandoned
The only time I remember feeling spiritually abandoned was after my divorce.  I remember feeling empty and alone.  Like life as I knew it was over.  I wondered everyday why this would be my story.  I had an incredible sense of failure and guilt.  Like no one understood or could help me.

Share a time when you felt broken
The divorce again; that marriage was such a dark time for me.  I was separated from my friends and family and felt very isolated.  He was abusive on all levels.  It was his intention to tear me down and make me question everything about myself and guess what he succeeded.  When I finally worked up enough courage to leave him, I returned back home to my parents’ home only a shell of my former self.  Here I was in my mid 20's with a 6 month old child and back at home with my parents.  There was no greater sense of failure for me.  I was broken to the core.

Share the moment when you discovered your purpose OR the moment you received a revelation of what your purpose might be
I remember the day I started to get my life back.  I was working for the YWCA in Birmingham doing event planning and really loved it but did not feel challenged enough.  Stephanie Matt actually called me one day and told me about an opening at Target and asked me if I was interested.  I thought about it only for a moment and said yes!  I had worked for Target previously and was so excited to return to the fast paced environment.  I also knew from a pay perspective it would allow me to care of my daughter better since her father was not doing so.  After returning to Target I knew quickly I was exactly where God intended.  I remember attending a training meeting for Holiday planning and my district leader read a poem about courage and living out our full potential.  It was Marianne Williamson, she says "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us."  This was a poem I read and quoted all the time post-divorce.  It was not a meeting that would ordinarily call for such a poem so I knew its presence was for me; my sign from God that I was on the right track.  About 2 years later I got promoted to Store Team Leader which is a big job.  The day I was promoted I saw a 50% increase in salary and my first bonus was more money than I had ever seen in life.  I cried.  I knew then my prayers were answered.  I always prayed that I would be able to take care of my daughter without him.  I needed God to give my final freedom.  See, my ex-husband built a life that forced me to rely on him.  He was controlling.  He used our daughter and resources against me; he knew I was struggling and celebrated that fact.  Well on that day in April, I celebrated my freedom; mental freedom from him.  Target is my calling.  I was put here to lift and influence others.  I love the impact that I have on so many daily.  I will never forget the team members I helped fill out college entrance papers, sent a suit via mail when they needed one for an interview, babies we celebrated and prayers we prayed together.  I struggle often with the amount of energy it takes to do this well.  These days here are never about me.  They are about me engaging and inspiring them to do well; to soar to new heights.  I finally gave in to my purpose early this year.  I realized God put me here for this and He qualifies ALL that he calls.  He will always provide what I need to be successful and also leave me enough for my own family.  I am happiest watching my team figure out their true potential and also helping them find the courage it takes to live it.

When you are hardest hit how do you motivate yourself to press on?
The motivation for me is easy.  I am so stubborn I just won't give up.  I also rely very heavily on my faith now.  My situations forced me to believe in God fully.  I had nothing else.  I now believe Him for anything so when I am struggling to make it through my dark times I meditate with gospel music and pray for His peace. He always answers.

What have you learned in this season of your life?
The last season for me has been one of reaping.  I have been abundantly blessed beyond measure.  I find myself running from blessings.  I often wonder how I can pay God back.  I think now though I am in a season of sow.  My cancer scare and the loss of a close friend have forced me back into meditation and really working on my faith.  Both seasons have taught me one thing.  God asks us to endure all things and believe all things.

What advice would you give to those who feel like their story is over?
Wow.  The story is never over.  He has already written everything perfectly and expects us to obey and choose wisely.  God wants us to serve others.  He wants us to use all of the gifts He has given.  He has to take us through things for us to learn that He is the only way.  The only way to the Father is through Him!  If God delivered me, He will do it for anyone.

Send me a picture of your favorite pair of heels and let me know why they are your favorite! 
This was the very first pair of shoes I bought that really exemplified the new me! Colorful, bright, vibrant BUT very comfy!

By: Charel Hebert 
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