#nomakeup T-shirt Campaign: Join me!

Just in case you aren't following me on other social media here's where you can find me:

Twitter: @nomakeup3
Instagram: nomakeup3

I recently (yesterday) made an announcement about a t-shirt campaign that I launched for #nomakeup: The Movement. God has been pushing me to get out of this box I've drawn myself in and really hit the ground running with what He has been molding and preparing me to do and that's uplift and empower women and girls into the very place that God is calling me (US) to be and that's in our purpose. I, like I imagine so many others, have been making negotiations with God in the meantime. Saying things like I'm not really sure if this is what I need to be doing or Lord.... is that REALLY you or I need to have a plan for the plan (as my friend Marie says my plans need to have plans for those plans who still need plans). Yeah... shameful I know. So I decided to share with my husband some of the things God has been revealing to me so that he could pray with me in agreement as I finally begin to attempt to make some forward strides into this new season. But before I could get finished sharing everything I've been hearing the husband says, Caneeka what are you doing right now. I look and I say well I'm planning this and that and this and I'm waiting to hear back about this and I'm writing down this and that. He stops me and says it sounds like you are prolonging what you've already been told to do so again what can you be doing right now. (Talk about ouch)

But after spending quiet time with God and talking to Marie about our plans with the never ending plans I thought, Scott's right. I can be bringing something to fruition in this time while God continues to pave the road going forward. That's where the t-shirt campaign comes into play. I thought, what better way to kick off my desire to encourage women and girls to let go of all of the junk we hold on to than to make a declaration we can wear!

#nomakeup: The Movement

I fell in love with poetry and writing as a means to lay aside the weight I was carrying (that's not what I called it but looking back that's what God had me doing). From witnessing abuse, to being in toxic relationships, to battling self image, to learning the ills of seasonal friendships, to harboring bitterness, overcoming loneliness writing is how I "met" God, in all of my junk and it is in my writing that He shaped my words, my voice, my life. I know that there are so many other women, girls and even men who need to be pulled out of the filth they are buried underneath in order to see clearer. That junk belongs somewhere else but not in our spirit. With every layer I pulled off I was able to see the God in my situation much brighter. But the enemy wants to keep your foundation broken, unstable, and unmoved. His lies are deeper than the pit he lives in so start today laying down a weight.

If you can't control it, if it is making you physically ill, if you don't know how to fix it, if they are telling lies on you, if you don't know where to begin, let it go because He already has a plan to pull you out!

This is my story
Join me on OUR journey!

A New Thing-Nia Allen

All my love,
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