The Platform Behind the Makeup...

I know you don’t want to talk about it.
You’d prefer not to address.
It's a taboo subject that makes people silent and withdrawn.
They'd prefer to act oblivious and not get involved.
And if you are experiencing it, have experienced it, know someone who has you might be living in denial and you are perfectly fine with that.

But there are people who aren’t fine with the issue and I just so happen to be one of those people.

Love shouldn’t hurt and if I may get biblical on you for a moment, a scripture often quoted out of 1 Corinthian 13: 4-7 states everything that love IS but not once does it state love is painful, love is bloody, love is fearful, love is paranoia, love is bullet wounds, love is death.

(s/o to my Bestie Stevie for bringing this to remembrance) 

As women we should demand and make sure that it doesn’t. Being a part of and standing up for healthy relationships is so important to our well-being and our other relationships! As cliché as the saying goes, “if I don’t stand for something I will fall for anything” there’s some truth in that when it comes to unhealthy relationships.

It starts with our desire to want more, and do more, and be more than what we could ever imagine and then being all of that for someone who is on the journey to healing.

I started this journey because I know the pain, I’ve seen the hurt, I’ve been in that state of confusion, that place of self-blame, I’ve felt the isolation, and I never wanted any other child to feel that way.

I stood up. I spoke up. I spoke out. I shared. I love. I encourage others to join me!
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month! If you can give I encourage you to make a donation to Help Me Help Children who Witness Domestic Violence. It’s the first step to making an impact and your small contribution can truly make a difference. But it all starts with you taking that first step.

If you are unable to give I encourage you to join in on the “Paint it Purple” campaign via The pixel project.

Here are ways you can get on board:
  • Painting the Internet Purple - A Social Media Campaign- Via twibbons, buttons and banners
  • Join Our YouTube “Wall of Support”- Just put on your best purple outfit, record your video, upload it to YouTube and submit the link to us for inclusion in the Wall where you will stand tall and proud with over 100 other individuals already standing up for the right of women and girls to live a life free of violence.
  • The “Paint It Purple” Cupcake Recipe Gallery- submit your favorite cupcake recipe
  • Fundraising – The Great Cupcake Bake Sale
  • The “Paint It Purple” Blogger Carnival- Consider contributing a special post for “Paint It Purple”.
  • “Paint It Purple” Parties – Fun-filled Awareness-raising
Get involved!
Be the voice. Be the change. Be aware. Be empowered!
You deserve the best!
Believe in that as I believe in you!

All my love!

Speak Words:
Suffering from a black eye, bruises on my arm.
Marks around my neck, sometimes love can bring you harm.
But I love him and he loves me, how do I know, he told me.
Scratches on my face, swollen from head to toe, I can’t feel my body a love that no one knows.
There’s a lump in the back of my head and I have a few broken bones. True love for some comes different, for me it comes in blows.
But I love him and he loves me, how do I know, he told me.
I’m jumping in my car to leave, but I always keep going back.
The love that we had was strong, but the pain I endured was black.
But it’s better to be loved, than to not have anyone at all.
I love him, he loves me, I know because he slams me into walls.
(save me)
4 ending violence through education…

Land of the Free
“my country tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
To thee I sing…”
They named her Stephanie* Marie,
Because they believed one day she would grow up to be,
The number one defense attorney,
In this disabled country,
We call America.
Stripes of red and white streaming down her leg.
Blue beats her heart, so she might as well be dead.
Addictions she can’t shake,
with legs glued together because she’s terrified to be raped…
Hair covering her face,
so that she and the background can just blend.
And never be treated, like a true American citizen…
4 Optimism

Tree of Life
Trees in the winter look like an elephant’s grave yard,
in which the King Lying, has barked away enough leaves,
only to stay.
And I yell out the wrong plays in order to get to the right place.
I spray you with mace so your reaction won’t be late.
I wipe away the tears from my ears because
until you stop beating my drums,
I will never be able to hear.
Your face creates a line of sweat across your hairline because
They’re not even sticking with your sap…
4 value

1 comment :

Tasha Diana said...

This is beautiful. . Thanks for your passion to address this issue that soo many people attempt to look past and sweep under the rug. . God's blessings!

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