Love and Marriage Mini Series- The Edwards

Meet Marlon and Kaaren Edwards

Tell us your love story! (Include a picture of you two THEN and NOW)

2001 (left); 2013 (right)

Marlon and I met while we were both working second jobs. He was paying for school and I was paying for a cruise. It was my first day at work and the manager was taking me around introducing me to all of the other employees. When she took me in the break room he was sitting at a table looking so handsome. I went home that night and told my sister I met my husband. I was never a person who liked to date my coworkers so we just chatted a bit here and there for a few months then my cruise was cancelled and I quit the job. On my last day Marlon offered me a ride home, we must have talked for hours that night. I knew that he was someone special. Here we are 6 kids later, a few gray hairs and lots of ups and downs but still as much, if not more, in love.

For many couples Valentine’s Day is the only time they feel loved by their significant other and/or spouse. How do you show your love to each other throughout the year?

For us showing love is the small things that make all the difference. He takes the kids to school when it's cold because he knows I don't like to. I make sure he gets to sleep in whenever possible. Leaving his favorite candy in his car when he has a long drive. Making sure to make time for each other. Bringing me home ice cream on a freezer cold night.

We all enter marriage with our own quirks. What’s one thing your spouse does that drives you crazy but you couldn’t imagine life without him doing it?

Every night when we get into bed Marlon starts talking. Talking about nothing and everything. When we first got married I thought this was so sweet. Then as the babies started coming and we were falling into bed later and later it began to work on my nerves. Then he had to travel for business for the first time and I was so excited that I got to have the bed all to myself; I was going to lay down, read and just enjoy a night to myself. Things didn't quite go as planned once I was in the bed trying to read. I couldn't get settled, something was missing. That night I realized just how much I enjoyed our late night sleepy chats and I don't ever want to go a night without them.

Being a wife is more than just a title but it’s a ministry. When the enemy tries to attack your marriage what is your go to scripture?

Matthew 19:5 “And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”

For both of us our go to people were family or a friend, then we had to learn to look toward each other as that go to person. Sharing or confiding in a friend is fine but your spouse should be first. Realizing that we are one person allows me to stand strong because I know that it might get rough but we have each other.

Years pass, people grow older, bodies change, babies come but what is one thing about your spouse that still takes your breath away?

His smile it lights up a room. When he smiles, he smiles from his heart and you can see it.

Many couples have marriage as their ultimate goal. What’s one piece of advice you’d give engaged couples?

Marriage changes everything. Not in a bad way but once you're married something in your relationship changes. Marriage is work you will struggle, there will be days when you look at this man and say, “what was I thinking.” Then there will be days when you couldn't love him more if you tried and those are the days that make it all worth it. Always remember God, husband and family.

When we were dating we thought we knew it all! Probably believing that marriage was easy but what has marriage taught you about the difference between “regular love” and agape love?

That loving someone the way God intended means not allowing pride to stop you from giving your husband the love he deserves, even if you don't want to because you're upset, but allowing him to know that through it all, you are here for him. In the beginning of our marriage I would allow my pride to run my emotions, holding grudges and being petty. Marlon never seemed to stay upset long, so I asked him why don't you stay mad at me? His answer was simple: because I love you. That's how I wanted to love my husband in a way that took pride out of the sentence.

On Valentine’s Day many women who are abused find themselves back with their abuser because the cycle of abuse is real and this holiday makes it easy for abusers to woo their victims. According to the United Nations, one of every three women on the planet will be physically or sexually abused in her lifetime. Although sources of violence may seem diverse, women's responses sound tragically similar. Besides the pain and strength you will hear in their survival stories, the themes that resound across cultures and geographies are of the indifference of authorities, the familial instinct of denial, and the lack of public outrage about the violence that millions of women experience every day. It's on us...

What would tell those wives who are walking through tough times in their marriages?

Even when it seems like it is hopeless, stand strong in your commitment to your marriage. Don't let pride get in your way, speak from your heart. Never be ashamed to ask for help.

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