The Mother: 2nd Letter to my Son! Happy Birthday!

To my sun, my baby bear, my smallest friend, my heartbeat:

I can't believe that two years ago I was somewhere thinking my life would only minimally change by your presence. There are moments now when I try to figure out what my life was about before you. There's a change in perspective about yourself and your life when you have kids and you changed mine in a major way. Here's what you've accomplished this past year:

At 13 months you began walking. 
You experienced your first and second ear infections. 
Your first and second diaper rashes. No fevers, no other illnesses; I'm thankful for your health.

Right now you have all of your teeth except your second molars so for a few months you were teething as those back teeth were popping up left and right. You learned how to jump. You have at least 3-4 word sentences although some moments you speak in incomprehensible paragraphs. You can understand simple and complex commands. You can throw the ball over handed which makes me duck because your aim is still developing. You are quite independent, sometimes friendly, a track star/football player/basketball player/ baseball player/ and soccer player once you get a soccer ball I'm sure. You are determined to not be defeated by a game, a puzzle, or any other manipulative. Sometimes easily frustrated but very easy to encourage. 

You can say your prayers and you know how to worship Jesus. 

Potty training is interesting right now when you aren't exclaiming "I DID IT" to indicate that you've peed on my couch or rug (one time each) you are content sitting on the potty and enjoying the celebration you receive from executing. You love to read and your ability to memorize stories, songs and tempos amaze me! You enjoy playing outside and taking a stroll in your stroller. You have picked up some Spanish words that you interchange with English. When asked how do you do in a song you quickly say "I fine." You can be a little fresh in the morning like that morning you told me, "Light off right now." Yeah... You took 4 words to a new level. You will try something at least once like the lettuce you were determined to eat off of my plate. I believe your favorite color is green since that's the only color you name for everything. You can spell your name and identify the letters in your name like a pro, say your first and last name and suffix, you can count to 20, AND in a week you have learned how to respond to 'how old are you' responding with L shaped fingers saying "I two." 

My son, you are already compassionate and empathetic because your heart breaks whenever I fake cry. I am thankful that in this time you have never had to see me really cry and I pray you never will (Although writing this got your momma a little choked up). ;)

You are amazing.
You have a purpose.
You are here with a mission from God to change lives.
You have vision; your eyes are discerning and communicators for what God has placed in your spirit.
You will walk on the face of the enemy.
Laugh at his attempts to block your greatness and you will make an impact wherever you go because you are a Prince of the King. 


Happy 2nd birthday! 

Mommy/Mom/La Nina 

1 comment :

The AnnMarie John said...

Seems like he's heading in the direction of becoming a well disciplined young man. Keep up the good work. Happy Birthday.

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