Woke up this morning to the funeral of Rosa Parks on c-span and this woman was singing her heart out. The song she was singing, I have a VERY personal connection to it and I can’t help but to cry every time I hear this song. The song is “I Won’t Complain” and it takes me there every time! I remember when I first heard the song: my cousin died (February 1998), my great grandmother died (March 1998), and my great aunt died (April 1998). On top of all of that people that I thought would be there for me weren’t and thus my trust issues came into play. It was a rough year, obviously, so naturally I sunk into a deep depression. It was a very dark period of my life. I was writing poetry with red ink, lying in my bed all day, crying myself to sleep, and praying for a way out. I heard that song…. and um… what I remember most about it were the two verses and the hook which say:
I've had some good days
I've had some hills to climb
I've had some weary days
And some sleepless nights
Sometimes the clouds are low
I can hardly see the road
I ask a question, Lord
Lord, why so much pain?
But he knows what's best for me
Although my weary eyes
They can't see
So I'll just say thank you Lord
I won't complain
He dried all of my tears away
Turned my midnights into day
So I'll just say thank you Lord
I've been lied on
But thank you Lord
I've been talked about
But thank you Lord
I've been misunderstood
But thank you Lord
My friends turned their backs on me
But thank you Lord
I won’t complain
I've had some hills to climb
I've had some weary days
And some sleepless nights
Sometimes the clouds are low
I can hardly see the road
I ask a question, Lord
Lord, why so much pain?
But he knows what's best for me
Although my weary eyes
They can't see
So I'll just say thank you Lord
I won't complain
He dried all of my tears away
Turned my midnights into day
So I'll just say thank you Lord
I've been lied on
But thank you Lord
I've been talked about
But thank you Lord
I've been misunderstood
But thank you Lord
My friends turned their backs on me
But thank you Lord
I won’t complain
Either you know about it…. or um… baby you don’t. But that song reminds me of a turning point in my life and granted I still get down, hell, my clouds still get low, I still don’t know sometimes how the HELL I’m going to make it. And despite that people come into my life and quickly go not necessarily leaving footprints but more like skid marks, lol, I’m not going to complain. Because honey…. you don’t know JOY like I know joy. My mother was on the verge of going blind this past year…. you don’t know joy like I do. I’ve had to look at her and re-evaluate my life over and over because those what if’s…. they get me every time. But just because YOU don’t understand… baby, that’s alright because HE’S been MUCH more better to me than YOU or this WORLD could ever be…. make it a GREAT ONE people…. I won’t complain! Peace!
the union of Isaiah and Justice
YOU don’t matter to me
I’VE got the VICTORY!
HE is powerful enough
YOU might not comprehend
YOU lack the ability.
YOU people try to tear me down
with your trampled ways.
little do YOU know
this spirit WILL find YOU.
Buried underneath your daydreaming
continues to tell
s t o p w o r r y i n g….
don’t recognize
Excuse me…
Pardon me…
I’m married to Isaiah
he’s given me no other choice
to inform YOU.
the moment is NOW!
“Preserve justice, and do what is right”BUT
clearly you don’t know how.
“My salvation is about to come, he says,
My righteousness is about to be revealed.”
“Blessed is the one who does these things,”
I thank YOU for the full course meal.
YOU continuously motivate me
despite what set backs YOU’VE brought:
“My thoughts are not your thoughts,
my ways are not your ways.
Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways,
my thoughts are higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8, 9).
© justice
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