I know it will run smooth like butter...

“If HE brings you to it HE will bring you through it.”

It’s funny how God places people in your life.
It cracks me up how love finds you randomly not looking for it.
It’s funny how when it finds you, it completely embraces your every being; so how do you NOT love it back?
It makes me smile when love reminds you of its essence and in turn you inhale its existence.
Funny how you pray for something your whole life
and when you least expect it
God blesses you with it.
What do you do with it?

You get scared. Really scared.
You get nervous.
You laugh all the time.
You smile until your cheeks want to give out.
You wear your knees down.
You cry as you pray.
You over analyze.
You ask HIM 1 million questions.
HE tells you to stop. J
You plan.
You visualize.
You become a poet and you REALLY didn’t know it.
You travel with it.
You experience life and happiness.
You don’t want it to ever leave.


it will.

Not forever.
Just as a test.
You are not prepared.
You just received the material.
And you are loving all that it contains.
But nothing is given to you as a blessing without a test.
HE needs to know if you are really ready.
You think you are.
You feel like you are.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Time will tell.
You love too much to believe otherwise that it won’t.
It is my “dope rhyme over a tight beat.”
The feeling you “can’t wash away with soap.”
The jump in my stomach; a dancing “flutter.”
And I profess from my mouth that “it WILL run smooth like butter.”
All the love.



In the midst of breathing YOU found ME.
Living, laughing, loving, learning how to let the limelight leak.
Onto these pages,
empty like the singing bird cages,
as we move from different stages,
my knees get weak.

You found me,
I welcomed you,
I embrace your spirit,
arms wide,
mouth open,
as I inhale you.
Your existence confirms my imaginations creation of he I want to marry,
I lay awake not wanting to sleep.
I stare at you
when we are apart
I want the picture to be vivid.
Clear like my skies when our time intertwines.
Stop watches find other place to play because
we touch mountains
flying on life’s swing.

I reach out for you as you hold me in the midst of our slumber.
This hunger will never die;
I’ll be the pupil,
you be the eye,
together we work.
Let us function.
No conjunction junction,
rock my school house.
Worry not, no one is stirring,
release your doubts.
Against all odds even when they try.
Some wonder how,
others wonder why.
I love who,
in the midst of our between.

It is what it seems,
enjoying our we,
encouraging the belief,
while others will just be.


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