Barefoot & Naked
I am as incomplete as tomorrow without sunlight and tonight without the moon or the stars.
no matter how far you are,
all roads lead back to…..
I am as incomplete as the last line of the beginning of this poetry.
And no matter how faint my ink may be.
All roads lead back to….
I am like a run on sentence nothing can complete me or stop my flow.
NocommaorperiodstillincompleteIwillgo because
All roads lead back to….
You took away your love without consulting with me.
You could’ve called me names; to drop dead into eternity.
But the words roll on
no matter how incompletetheymaybe.
Yet and still,
all roads lead back to….
You had me loving you like I’ve never loved myself,
like I’ve never in my life,
loved anyone else.
Running away, afraid of what this could be.
I dot my i so that EYE won’t be incomplete.
BUT that’s just how things goes;
“oh the places my heart has seen.”
I am like the girl I once knew,
when all roads led back to….
4 what it feels like