I battled greatly as a young adult with allowing my insecurities to secure my truth. And that story is not unique. So many people, young and old, are being held captive by their insecurities. Before social media it was the over load of magazines, music videos, television shows, actresses and singers who we would compare ourselves with and sulk in how we fell short according to what they had, how they looked, where they went etc. Now that social media has been "the thing" for over 10 years, many people are no longer comparing their life with celebrities but instead they are looking at their followers, their friends, their family members, their "likes" and feel inadequate. I wrote this many moons ago when I was trying to break free from those thoughts that held me captive for so long and in that moment I realized that insecurities are like the person who shows up at your house uninvited. Stop opening the door to negative thoughts based on the social media highlight reels we see and start walking with authority and confidence in who God created you to be! You are more than enough! #pressOn #noweight
Victimizer in this game of lies.
Honesty, not a reality of my own world.
In an atmosphere too unhealthy to live, in a home unmade a house...
My victims are you, yourself, mind and soul.

I come at you in dark, while your mind is idle, body relaxed.
I tell you how precious you are and you believe me.
I lead you into dark caves, mysterious like midnights eyes.
Hidden behind a crimson veil.
4 the boogey (whoa)MAN