Meet Nathan and Dana Holmes
Tell us your love story! (Include a picture of you two THEN and NOW)
Nathan and I met at Alabama A&M University in 2002. I was actually having lunch with my friend in the cafeteria when she noticed him looking at me. I thought maybe I had food around my mouth or something. I made eye contact with him and smiled, which opened the door for him to come to my table. He introduced himself and we had a wonderful conversation. The first thing he told me was that he was trying to change his life and live for God. When I heard those words that did it for me! As our conversation ended, he gave me his number, but didn't ask for mine. I was a little confused, because usually the guy asks for your number. I asked him if he wanted to have my number and he said that if I wanted to talk to him, I would call. I looked at him very confused and said okay, but told my friend I am not going to call him. She insisted that I should at least give it a try. Well, it's no surprise, I called, but he didn't answer. I quickly threw the number in the trash, but of course he called right back. So glad he did!!!
For many couples Valentine’s Day is the only time they feel loved by their significant other and/or spouse. How do you show your love to each other throughout the year?
Nate and I make it a goal to go on a date at least once or twice a month (I wish we could go once a week). We make sure to take a trip on our anniversary every year and we love to be intimate. I think it's important to be intimate with your spouse at least 3 or 4 times a week. Another way that we show our love throughout the year is helping each other around the house and with the kids. If I'm washing clothes, he's helping with the kids. I really love that we work as a team.
We all enter marriage with our own quirks. What’s one thing your spouse does that drives you crazy but you couldn't imagine life without him doing it?
The one thing that drives me crazy is that he doesn't listen when I tell him about certain appointments or trips that are coming up. When it comes to the day of the engagement, he acts as if I never told him anything. Sometimes, I think I need to record myself just to prove to him that I told him.
Being a wife is more than just a title but it’s a ministry. When the enemy tries to attack your marriage what is your go to scripture?
My go to scripture is Ephesians 5:22-33. "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." This scripture speaks to me, because even if he's getting on my nerves or I disagree with what he has to say, I have to still respect that he is the head.
Years pass, people grow older, bodies change, babies come but what is one thing about your spouse that still takes your breath away?
The one thing about my spouse that still takes my breath away is that he values family. When we dated, I thought the most attractive thing was his love for family. No matter what's going on, he still puts us second (God first) and that makes him so sexy!!
Many couples have marriage as their ultimate goal. What’s one piece of advice you’d give engaged couples?
TRUST GOD!!!! Everything isn't always going to be easy. There will be bumps, but you will have to be able to trust God through it all. The only way your marriage can survive is inviting God into your marriage.
When we were dating we thought we knew it all! Probably believing that marriage was easy but what has marriage taught you about the difference between “regular love” and agape love?
Marriage has taught us a lot about the difference between regular love and agape love. Agape love is unconditional and regular love can fade. When we were dating, I knew he loved me, but wasn't sure if it was agape love. I didn't really see that type of love until we were married and faced with different challenges. The essence of agape love is self-sacrifice, and Nate shows me that type of love daily. Every day, he sacrifices to make sure his family is well taken care of. Even though he’s tired from teaching 27 fifth graders, he goes out his way to make sure I’m happy. If I need something from the store and it’s after 8:00, he volunteers to get what I need. I know I can always depend on him. I thank God for him.
On Valentine’s Day many women who are abused find themselves back with their abuser because the cycle of abuse is real and this particular holiday makes it easy for abusers to woo their victims. According to the United Nations, one of every three women on the planet will be physically or sexually abused in her lifetime. Although sources of violence may seem diverse, women's responses sound tragically similar. Besides the pain and strength you will hear in their survival stories, the themes that resound across cultures and geographies are of the indifference of authorities, the familial instinct of denial, and the lack of public outrage about the violence that millions of women experience every day. It's on us...
What would tell those wives who are walking through tough times in their marriages?
The first thing I would tell wives who are going through trials in their marriage is to seek the Lord and pray together. Ask God to help you discern what to do to ease the stress in your lives and to help you stay committed to your marriage. I think it’s important to talk to your husband and COMMUNICATE on how you feel as well. I think in a lot of marriages, the one thing that’s missing is communication. We think it’s so small, but communication is key to having a healthy marriage. If there are issues that are really troubling you, you and your spouse should set aside a time to talk with each other in a relaxed setting. Be willing to share each other’s concerns, fears and hopes without criticizing or judging. Talk about how you can work together to improve the situation. After communicating, I would recommend seeking counseling. Depending on the problem, this help might come from your pastor, or a professional marriage counselor.
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