Mommy life...

Time flies when you're having fun. Or chasing behind a toddler.

Me and my beary bear

When I was pregnant one thing people kept telling me was, "girl enjoy it because the time will fly by." Of course, in what felt like my 13th month of pregnancy, I thought yeah... Right. The first 3 months of being a mother felt like a blur. I honestly only remember snapshots of that time period. (Shame) It felt like the twilight zone for new mothers. Ladies let me tell you, enjoy your sleep because you will never sleep the same way again. I never really slept in that time, I just closed my eyes very tightly. :)

Top left: Where did you go!? Watching Basketball and sliding down the slide

But once that time period ended and it was time to head back to work, it was like every month there was a milestone. The first birthday came and went, walking, talking, eating with utensils; the kid has all of his baby teeth, at 19 months, except his second molars. Yesterday we ventured into the world of crib conversion. I can't believe we are even at this place. But for a kid who can spell his name I'd say its time.

Sleeping in his "new" bed. *tear*

God I thank you for my sun. For his laughter at me and with me. I never want to forget these magical moments. I am in awe at what you created and left me to nurture the way you nurture us. I take this responsibility serious and I thank you for choosing me.

Pray for the children.
Lift them up with encouraging words.
Speak life into their life.
Be their mentor and empower them on their journey!
Be the example of God in their life!

All my love,


Reading before bedtime

Art time at the library with Daddy
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